Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What Is This Blog About?

People create blogs for all sorts of reasons.  This blog will be specifically to document my work as a writer.  As I am at the beginning of my writing career, I hope that my posts, thoughts, and stories will document the experience of a new writer as well as provide helpful insight to those who are on the same road, both ahead of me and behind me.  For all of us, there comes a time in life when we must ask ourselves what it is that we want most or, as one person I recently heard say, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"  For me, this was one of the scariest questions I have ever asked myself.  Fear of facing your most serious dreams is almost paralyzing.  To acknolwedge them, and then actually start working towards them means that you are accepting the idea that it might not work out, that you might fail, that the things you had hoped for may never actually happen.  But I have found over the past 6 months that trying and failing is better than never trying at all.  A simple truth, perhaps; one that we hear often, but one that only really means something once you have tried it yourself.  So go ahead, ask yourself: What would I do if I knew I could not fail?  The answer may surprise you, may force you to go back decades to when you were young and carefree and dreamed without constraint, or may make you realize that perhaps you are already doing that exact thing.  What would I do if I knew I could not fail?  The answer for me was simple: write.  So that's what I am finally doing.

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